In Podman, you will see differences in networking between rootless and rootfull containers. This guide will help to understand how networking can be used in Podman.
Podman pods
By definition, all containers in the same Podman pod share the same network namespace. Therefore, the containers will share the IP Address, MAC Addresses and port mappings. You can always communicate between containers in the same pod, using localhost.
Rootless Networking
When using Podman as a rootless user, the network is setup automatically. The container itself does not have an IP Address, because without root privileges, network association is not allowed. You will also see some other limitations.
Publishing Ports
Port publishing as rootless containers can be done for “high ports” only. All ports below 1024 are privileged and cannot be used for publishing.
Instead of:
$ podman run -dt -p 80:8080/tcp
you want to use:
$ podman run -dt -p 8080:8080/tcp
Note: You can also use podman -P
to automatically publish and map ports.
Container <-> Host Communication
If you want to reach a rootless container from your localhost, you can use port publishing (as in the example above).
You can check the ports published and occupied:
$ podman port -l
8080/tcp ->
Note: The -l
is a convenience argument for latest container. You can
also use the container’s ID or name instead of -l
or the long argument
Container <-> Container Communication
Communicating between two rootless containers can be achieved in multiple ways. The easiest and most convenient way is to communicate via published ports and the underlying host.
Check, if a “listening” container is running:
$ podman ps
Check the published ports:
$ podman port <container_id>
Check the address of your host:
$ ip addr
Start a new container to contact your host + the published port:
$ podman run -it --rm fedora curl <Host_IP_Address>:<Published_Port>
Rootfull Networking
This section describes how networking can be used in rootfull containers.
Publishing Ports
Port publishing works the same way as rootless containers, but you will be able to use privileged ports, as long as they are free.
$ sudo podman run -dt -p 80:8080/tcp
Note: You can also use podman -P
to automatically publish and map ports.
Container <-> Host Communication
Rootfull containers are reachable via their published ports.
You can check which ports are published:
$ sudo podman port -l
8080/tcp ->
And you should be able to reach the website from your local machine:
$ curl localhost
Container <-> Container Communication
Rootfull containers can communicate via their IP Address in the same network.
$ sudo podman inspect <container_id> | grep IPAddress
"IPAddress": "",
$ sudo podman run -it --rm fedora curl <Container_IP_Address>:<Container_Port>
Configuring Networking
The installation of Podman provides a default network configuration commonly
installed in /etc/cni/net.d/
as 87-podman-bridge.conflist
. The default
network name is defined in /usr/share/containers/libpod.conf
. If you want to
change the default network, you should copy the libpod.conf
and change the new file.
To create a new network, you can use the podman network create
command, which
will create a new file in /etc/cni/net.d/
Using DNS in Container Networks
Podman provides a convenient way to allocate local DNS records to containers via the dnsname plugin. This can become handy, if you want to communicate between 2 or more containers.
The feature will be automatically enabled for newly created networks via
podman network create
. If you want to add this feature to the default
network, you can either create a new network and make it default or add the
needed lines to cat /etc/cni/net.d/87-podman-bridge.conflist
- a reboot may
be required.
"plugins": [
"type": "dnsname",
"domainName": ""