Bioinformatics with rootless podman
By Bryan Hepworth GitHub Twitter
Over the last 10 years I’ve seen machines and workflows evolve where I work. From the initial dedicated server, to hpc environments and now the latest instance, containers.
From an admin point of view this is great - The initial servers had to be carefully built and maintained so that everything would work nicely together. Incompatible programs at that time were run through a VM until such time as they could be folded in to the mix.
The HPC’s had versioned software and environment modules and were built to load the relevant dependencies at run time.
Now we are into a new era, containers - and not just any old containers, but containers that end users can build and run up fairly quickly to perform what-if’s, and move on quickly through iterations until they perform the required functions.
Podman has developed very rapidly and is incredibly easy to use. You can use it in conjunction with or run it on a local machine.
I should add that Adrian Reber gave a talk and has also created a Podman article using openhpc; well worth a watch and a read.
If you don’t have a RedHat Developer Subscription now is an ideal time to get one:
..and download RedHat Enterprise 8.1
Do a Standard RedHat GUI Server default install
yum update
yum module install container-tools
RedHat 8.1 does rootless containers right out of the box. If you created a user during the setup, it’ll have the details in /etc/subuid and /etc/subgid already.
Log in with your userID and you can start creating a container
podman pull ubi8/ubi
podman run --interactive --tty ubi8/ubi bash
The first command pulls down the ubi8 Universal Base Image, which is a great building block. The second command starts an interactive ubi8 image at a bash prompt. You can run any commands you like in this:
[nbh23@colombo ~]$ podman run --interactive --tty ubi8/ubi bash
[root@f471459c7619 /]# cat /etc/redhat-release
Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.1 (Ootpa)
[root@f471459c7619 /]#
Notice how the prompt changed from nbh23@colombo to root@f471459c7619 - the f471459c7619 is the part to remember, we’ll interact with that later on in this post. It’s a random allocation, so your instance will be different.
The Podman help menu’s are excellent, podman -h gives you a list of subcommands, which you can then also query:
[nbh23@colombo ~]$ podman -h
manage pods and images
podman [flags]
podman [command]
Available Commands:
attach Attach to a running container
build Build an image using instructions from Dockerfiles
commit Create new image based on the changed container
container Manage Containers
cp Copy files/folders between a container and the local filesystem
create Create but do not start a container
diff Inspect changes on container's file systems
events Show podman events
exec Run a process in a running container
export Export container's filesystem contents as a tar archive
generate Generated structured data
healthcheck Manage Healthcheck
help Help about any command
history Show history of a specified image
image Manage images
images List images in local storage
import Import a tarball to create a filesystem image
info Display podman system information
init Initialize one or more containers
inspect Display the configuration of a container or image
kill Kill one or more running containers with a specific signal
load Load an image from container archive
login Login to a container registry
logout Logout of a container registry
logs Fetch the logs of a container
mount Mount a working container's root filesystem
pause Pause all the processes in one or more containers
play Play a pod
pod Manage pods
port List port mappings or a specific mapping for the container
ps List containers
pull Pull an image from a registry
push Push an image to a specified destination
restart Restart one or more containers
rm Remove one or more containers
rmi Removes one or more images from local storage
run Run a command in a new container
save Save image to an archive
search Search registry for image
start Start one or more containers
stats Display a live stream of container resource usage statistics
stop Stop one or more containers
system Manage podman
tag Add an additional name to a local image
top Display the running processes of a container
umount Unmounts working container's root filesystem
unpause Unpause the processes in one or more containers
unshare Run a command in a modified user namespace
varlink Run varlink interface
version Display the Podman Version Information
volume Manage volumes
wait Block on one or more containers
--cgroup-manager string Cgroup manager to use (cgroupfs or systemd, default systemd)
--cni-config-dir string Path of the configuration directory for CNI networks
--config string Path of a libpod config file detailing container server configuration options
--conmon string Path of the conmon binary
--cpu-profile string Path for the cpu profiling results
--default-mounts-file string Path to default mounts file
--events-backend string Events backend to use
--help Help for podman
--hooks-dir strings Set the OCI hooks directory path (may be set multiple times)
--log-level string Log messages above specified level: debug, info, warn, error, fatal or panic (default "error")
--namespace string Set the libpod namespace, used to create separate views of the containers and pods on the system
--network-cmd-path string Path to the command for configuring the network
--root string Path to the root directory in which data, including images, is stored
--runroot string Path to the 'run directory' where all state information is stored
--runtime string Path to the OCI-compatible binary used to run containers, default is /usr/bin/runc
--storage-driver string Select which storage driver is used to manage storage of images and containers (default is overlay)
--storage-opt stringArray Used to pass an option to the storage driver
--syslog Output logging information to syslog as well as the console
--tmpdir string Path to the tmp directory
--trace Enable opentracing output
--version Version for podman
Use "podman [command] --help" for more information about a command.
[nbh23@colombo ~]$ podman image -h
Manage images
podman image [command]
Available Commands:
build Build an image using instructions from Dockerfiles
exists Check if an image exists in local storage
history Show history of a specified image
import Import a tarball to create a filesystem image
inspect Display the configuration of an image
list List images in local storage
load Load an image from container archive
prune Remove unused images
pull Pull an image from a registry
push Push an image to a specified destination
rm Removes one or more images from local storage
save Save image to an archive
sign Sign an image
tag Add an additional name to a local image
tree Prints layer hierarchy of an image in a tree format
trust Manage container image trust policy
[nbh23@colombo ~]$
We can list out the images and containers as follows, which is handy if you lose track of where you are at.
[nbh23@colombo ~]$ podman image list
REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE latest 096cae65a207 5 weeks ago 239 MB
[nbh23@colombo ~]$ podman container list
a1fc64bd8e47 bash 2 hours ago Up 2 hours ago zen_albattani
[nbh23@colombo ~]$
So we created a container to interact with, but how about creating a new image? I found that Podman is very easy to interact with and created a Dockerfile. This is a list of commands in a text file that controls what gets installed. Create a new directory - in this case whatshap, to put the Dockerfile in:
[nbh23@colombo whatshap]$ cat Dockerfile
RUN yum -y update \
&& yum -y install python3 \
&& yum -y install make \
&& yum -y install gcc \
&& yum -y install redhat-rpm-config \
&& yum -y install zlib-devel \
&& yum -y install bzip2-devel \
&& yum -y install xz-devel \
&& yum -y install python3-devel \
&& yum clean all
RUN pip3 install pysam && pip3 install whatshap
Then we build the container image - from within the whatshap directory run:
podman build -t whatshap .
Notice the ‘.’ at the end, that’s important!
You’ll see the container image start to build, with notifications of where it’s at. If all goes to plan you will then finally see notification that it’s completed:
STEP 4: COMMIT whatshap
We can then check it works:
[nbh23@colombo whatshap]$ podman run -it whatshap
[root@ac05564bd51b /]# whatshap -h
usage: whatshap [-h] [--version] [--debug]
{phase,stats,compare,hapcut2vcf,unphase,haplotag,genotype} ...
positional arguments:
phase Phase variants in a VCF with the WhatsHap algorithm
stats Print phasing statistics of a single VCF file
compare Compare two or more phasings
hapcut2vcf Convert hapCUT output format to VCF
unphase Remove phasing information from a VCF file
haplotag Tag reads by haplotype
genotype Genotype variants
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit
--debug Print debug messages
[root@ac05564bd51b /]#
Which all looks good - we now have our container image and can re-run that to do our whatshap analysis.
All well and good, but what happens about storage of that analysis?
We can add that to our Podman command, if we have a directory called data in /home we can map that as follows:
podman run -v /home/nbh23/data:/home/nbh23:z -it whatshap
The nice thing is that the UID and GID for files created this way all match up. The trailing :z makes selinux happy :-)
[nbh23@colombo whatshap]$ podman run -v /home/nbh23/data:/home/nbh23:z -it whatshap
[root@fef561d523b8 /]# ls
bin boot dev etc home lib lib64 lost+found media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var
[root@fef561d523b8 /]# cd /home
[root@fef561d523b8 home]# ls
[root@fef561d523b8 home]# cd nbh23
[root@fef561d523b8 nbh23]# touch testfile
[root@fef561d523b8 nbh23]# ls -la
total 0
drwxrwxr-x. 2 root root 22 Jan 21 09:09 .
drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root 19 Jan 21 09:09 ..
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 0 Jan 21 09:09 testfile
[root@fef561d523b8 nbh23]# exit
[nbh23@colombo ~]$ ls
Containers data Desktop Documents Downloads Music Pictures Public Templates Videos
[nbh23@colombo ~]$ cd data
[nbh23@colombo data]$ ls -la
total 4
drwxrwxr-x. 2 nbh23 nbh23 22 Jan 21 09:09 .
drwx------. 17 nbh23 nbh23 4096 Jan 21 09:07 ..
-rw-r--r--. 1 nbh23 nbh23 0 Jan 21 09:09 testfile
[nbh23@colombo data]$
One of the things I discovered whilst creating a more complex container image was that you can start the existing image into a bash session, doing the manipulation that you require, and then use the Podman commit command to write those changes. For example using our whatshap container image we can run it as follows:
[nbh23@colombo data]$ podman run -it whatshap bash
[root@73c4742e4724 /]#
We can then make our alterations, and from another session commit those changes:
[nbh23@colombo ~]$ podman commit 73c4742e4724 whatshap-altered
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob c630f5c3e169 skipped: already exists
Copying blob 4bd7408cc1c8 skipped: already exists
Copying blob 1383f0e3c813 skipped: already exists
Copying blob a2ff5e229058 skipped: already exists
Copying blob b75bf3e68dab done
Copying config 931b7f5302 done
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures
[nbh23@colombo ~]$
Then do podman image list to see what we have:
[nbh23@colombo ~]$ podman image list
localhost/whatshap-altered latest 931b7f5302af About a minute ago 545 MB
localhost/whatshap latest d523727fc6c2 3 days ago 545 MB latest 096cae65a207 5 weeks ago 239
[nbh23@colombo ~]$
You can make multiple changes to your original container image until you are satisfied that it’s working as you’d like.
This has covered command line container image creation and usage, I’ll be creating another blog post detailing graphical interactive containers as i’m aware that there are various interactive visual programs to cover too.
Feel free to contact me with any ideas or suggestions / questions.